Tech Ojas's Commitment to Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility

At Tech Ojas, we take our role as a global company seriously, and we're committed to conducting our business with a strong sense of responsibility towards human rights and the environment. We firmly believe that sustainable development is the cornerstone of a successful business strategy.

Respect for Human Rights

We uphold and champion human rights, treating every individual with respect and fairness, regardless of their nationality, age, or gender. We unequivocally reject any form of human rights violations, including forced labor and discrimination in employment.

Health and Safety

Ensuring the safety and well-being of our employees is paramount. We strive to provide a safe and healthy work environment for all our staff. Every employee receives training on safe work practices, and our offices are equipped to provide first aid if needed. Additionally, we offer comprehensive medical insurance and reimburse fitness-related expenses for our employees.

Environmental Responsibility

We are deeply committed to protecting the environment and addressing pressing environmental issues like climate change. We not only adhere to eco-friendly practices within our organization but also encourage our business partners and vendors to do the same. Some of our eco-conscious measures include:

  • Opting for reusable cups instead of disposable ones.
  • Implementing LED lighting and energy-efficient computer equipment.
  • Reducing paper usage by promoting electronic documents over hard copies.
  • Encouraging employees to ride bicycles to work, providing bike parking and comfortable shower facilities.
  • Collecting old batteries and light bulbs for responsible recycling.
Corporate Governance and Business Ethics

Ethical conduct forms the bedrock of our business strategy. We prioritize transparency in our business operations and are staunch advocates for anti-fraud and anti-corruption measures, including the eradication of bribery and coercion. We firmly believe that this approach is fundamental to fostering trust among our employees, customers, and business partners.

Promoting Sustainability in Our Interactions

We directly communicate our sustainability policy to our business partners and customers, expecting them to uphold the principles of environmental protection and human rights. We engage our vendors and business partners, encouraging them to consider the environmental impact of our joint ventures and take steps to minimize any negative consequences.

Open and Consistent Sustainability Communication

We are dedicated to spreading awareness of our sustainability principles far and wide. We share our knowledge through marketing materials and our corporate website, with the goal of promoting sustainability within the IT industry.

Addressing Concerns and Complaints

Maintaining transparency is crucial to us, and we've established a clear procedure for addressing sustainability concerns and complaints promptly. Our aim is to identify sustainability issues early on, prevent conflicts, and uphold a positive business image. We handle concerns and complaints fairly and systematically, with a focus on minimizing any additional issues that may arise during the process.

Regular Sustainability Policy Reviews and Updates

We are committed to continuous improvement. Our sustainability policy undergoes annual reviews, and we implement updates as needed. We closely monitor whether our sustainability objectives align with our business goals to ensure we remain on the path of responsible and sustainable growth.